Recommended Fruit to Eat These Two Months – Cherries

This week, I would like to share the benefits of cherries from the TCM dietary perspective.

Cherry is one of the rare fruits that can strengthen the kidney and spleen Qi. Just take note to consume cherry in moderation as it is warm in thermal nature and eating lots of it might make you heaty!

In 南川《常用中草药手册》(one of the ancient TCM classics), it is stated that cherry can 补血补肾,预防喉症. This means cherry can strengthen kidneys and act as a tonic food for the blood. It can also help to prevent throat-related diseases.

Here are the two main properties of cherry:

  1. Strengthen Kidneys – Very few fruits have kidney-strengthening properties like cherry. This means eating cherries can help to strengthen your back and legs (and also relieve lower back pain/back soreness that is caused by weak kidneys). Having a strong kidney will also strengthen your body immunity.

  2. Strengthen the Spleen and Remove Dampness – Again, very few fruits can strengthen the spleen like cherry. This makes it a great fruit to eat especially if you have a weak spleen (loose/sticky stools and stomach gets upset easily after eating cooling stuff).

Do take note that people with flu or constipation should avoid consuming cherries for the time being.

Cherry is a great fruit to consume during the current Da Xue solar term as well as for the next two solar terms (until the end of January), so do find some time to enjoy this tonic fruit if you can!

I hope you find this post useful!

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