Watermelon Benefits in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

These past few days have been very warm, so besides drinking enough water, I highly recommend most people to consume watermelon if you get the chance!
Since the thermal nature of watermelon is cold, it is an ideal fruit to enjoy these few weeks.
One of the TCM classics,《日用本草》says that watermelon can 消暑热,解烦渴 — meaning it can reduce summer heatiness and quench thirst — especially the kind that doesn’t go away even after drinking lots of water.
Do you know that the heat-clearing effect of watermelon is equivalent to a TCM herb formula called 白虎汤? This formula is used when a person is very heaty, keeps feeling thirsty (even after drinking water), and sweats a lot.
Just a word of caution: Some people may experience stomach discomfort after eating watermelon if their spleen is not strong enough. In this case, do try to strengthen your spleen first by consuming Chinese yam (shan yao), Si Shen soup, etc.
Enjoy some watermelon today or this weekend if you can!

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