Sensitive Type – Food and Herbs Recommendation

A Sensitive type (特禀体质) person is someone who is allergic to certain food or environment. Once contacted, you will experience sore throat, running / blocked nose, itchy skin etc. As this is based on case by case basis, it is not possible to suggest a list of food without knowing the exact condition. In general, … Read more

Qi Stag Type – Food and Herbs Recommendation

A Qi Stag type (气郁体质) person tends to be thinner and have a pessimistic nature. You also should not take tonic until your condition improve following the below food / herb suggestion. The main soup you can drink is white radish. It is inexpensive and has great properties in breaking qi out of stagnate (破气). … Read more

Tropical Type – Food and Herbs Recommendation

Tropical type (湿热体质) people often lives in Tropical countries like Singapore and in other parts of Asia. A Tropical type person is more prone to acne (even in adulthood), and often has an oily face too like water stag type. In additional, Tropical type person tends to have a heaty body nature. You should consume … Read more