Cherry Benefits In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Recently there are lots of cherries available in the market. Do you know that cherry is one of those fruits that is not cooling in thermal nature like other common fruits such as bananas, papayas, and apples? Read on to find out more!

By the way, since cherry is warm in thermal nature, eating a lot of them can make your body heaty. Do take note of this!

Properties of Cherry

There are two properties of cherry:

  1. Strengthen kidneys – One of the main properties of cherry is that it can help to strengthen our kidneys, and very few fruits actually have this property! This means that eating cherries will help to strengthen your back and legs. It can also help to relieve lower back pain/back soreness that is caused by weak kidneys. Having a strong kidney will also give you a stronger immune system.
  2. Strengthen and clear dampness in the spleen – Another property of cherry is that it can help to remove dampness and strengthen the spleen. Again, very few fruits have this property. If you have a weak spleen (have loose/sticky stools and get stomach upset easily after eating cooling foods), then cherry is a great fruit to add to your diet. 

People with Yang Deficiency body constitution are most suitable to eat cherries as they need to strengthen their kidneys through foods with warm thermal properties.

Who Should Avoid Eating Cherry

The following people should avoid eating cherry:

  • People who are having a sore throat (because cherry is warm in thermal nature)
  • People who are experiencing constipation
  • People who have insomnia (in case their insomnia is linked to Yin deficiency)

The recommended dosage per person is about 30g to 150g a day.

Hope you find this post useful!

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